The [NIN]eties & Beyond will be not the same if there would be no [NIN]!!!!

I remember when I strolled around malls and went to a local record bar (the now defunct Pop Station music store) that sells rocks shirts in the early 90's, I always see this Top 40 shirt with a cool [NIN] logo hanging in display in the glass wall. I asked the sales lady what does NIN means and she said that it was Nine Inch Nails, a band name. Okay. Sounds like a size of your manhood to brag upon. And that's were it all began. Young Trent Reznor at a gig. I got a taste of Nine Inch Nail's music when I was in high school,the so called grunge days. I was able to listen to their song "Closer" when it was still new on the radio and I was quite shocked to hear about its vulgar chorus : "I wanna ---- you like an animal!" It was as simple as filling out the blanks. Just deciphered the beep censored part they played on the radio and you know that it is the word "fuck". Indeed, the song has a very straight forward message. It was like a hardcore ...